You may have begun to suspect that I'd turned over the production of this comic to a voiceless computer program that lacked a sophisticated enough algorithm to come up with a semi-coherent rambling such as this one. No, I just haven't had a whole lot to say about the last few pages. Also, I've been moving double-time because I'm leaving the country for "work" for a couple weeks starting the beginning of June and want to have a large enough cache to keep the comic updating at its regular pace while I'm gone. That's because I care about you. I shouldn't have a problem pulling this off.
At the moment I'm quite proud of the next couple updates. Regrets will no doubt set in later. Number Twenty-three will mark the end of a little story-arc, which I might decide to call chapter one. I'm going to take that opportunity to try and attract more readers. If you've got friends who you think might like Passing Town, maybe drop the name, eh? I just bought the domain, so will lead new wanderers here.