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Issue number one! Fellow fans of Sergio Aragonés' Groo the Wanderer will be thinking what I'm thinking. The other two of you are already confused.

I won't repeat all the blather in my "about" section, have a look if you're interested. Right now I just want to thank you for checking out my site. There's hardly anything in the world I like more than telling stories, and if, by some miracle, there are a of couple people out there who'd like to hear the stories I want to tell I'd consider myself very lucky indeed.

I drew these panels quite a long while ago and I actually think I've improved some since then. In fact, I'm almost hesitant to put them up since I think I could re-do them better now. Ah well, it will be interesting to see if any of you can recognize the more recent stuff when it goes up a few installments from now.

One other thing, if you check the "characters" page you might notice that it has bios and portraits for four people when you've only seen three, and the page clearly says characters will be added in order of appearance as they are met. No one was wondering about that? Really? Well, I'll give you the reason anyway: You actually have seen four people. If you look verrry carefully you can just make out the fourth person in the lower right corner of the last panel. He's holding a hatchet and watching little Brisa approach. That's the kind of attention to detail you can expect from me. Also, the chapter titles from Moby-Dick (spelled backwards) are hidden amongst the pixels of my background pattern.


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